All functions |
Calculate the denominator for the level-1 expansion factor. |
Calculate the numerator for the first level expansion factor |
Pull biological data |
Pull catch data from PacFIN |
Pull the species information table and return nominal code(s) |
Compare length histogram of aged samples to all lengthed samples |
Get password from the user if |
Decrease all values greater than a maximum specified value. |
Change Column Names of PacFIN Data To Match Survey |
Check Sample Numbers for Grade |
Calculate von Bertalanffy Growth Parameters |
Change Column Names to Vdrfd |
Clean columns of PacFIN biological data |
Clean columns of PacFIN catch data |
Clean raw PacFIN data |
Code ageing methods to standardized character strings |
Combine CalCOM and PacFIN data |
Bin a vector of data into groups |
Convert long data frame with composition data to wide data frame |
Convert Disc and Interspiracular Width to Length |
Function find.matching.rows |
Format catches from long to wide |
Get age information for each fish |
Get the ageing method used for the age that is agreed to be the best age |
Get the general area that the information was taken from |
Aggregate length, age, or age-at-length composition data by strata |
Get a connection to a database and return a query |
First-Stage expansion for composition data |
Second-stage expansion of composition samples up to catch level |
Create column for gear called |
Get length for PacFIN commercial samples |
Add a column to |
Create a state column based on input column specified in |
Get your username for the |
Calculate weight–length relationship parameters |
Get a list of available options, e.g., code_list, from PacFIN |
Expand bds data up to the tow and catch level |
Calculate weight from length and the weight–length relationship |
Find the column with the best age information |
pacfintools: Functions for working up PacFIN data |
Plot cleaned fishery age- or length-composition data. |
Diagnostic plots and summaries for a raw PacFIN dataset pre-filtering. |
Plot Length Distributions with Aged and All Fish |
Plot of the weight–length relationship by sex |
Write SQL text |
Stop if column name is not present in the data |
The number of samples per combination of ageing methods |
Table of Sample Size By Fleet and Year |
Write out composition data formatted for Stock Synthesis |