Convert from disc and interspiracular width to length for skates, Conversion parameters were derived from West Coast Groundfish Bottom Trawl Survey data.

convertlength_skate(Pdata, returntype = c("all", "estimated"))



A data frame returned from PullBDS.PacFIN() containing biological samples. These data are stored in the Pacific Fishieries Information Network (PacFIN) data warehouse, which originated in 2014 and are pulled using sql calls.


A character value from the list supplied that specifies the data you want returned.

  • "all" all lengths with the new estimates replacing the input lengths

  • "estimated" only the estimat lengths with all other lengths as NA such that the returned vector is the same length and the number of rows of the input data frame.


A vector of lengths. See returntype for detailed information on what can be returned.


Kelli F. Johnson and Vladlena Gertseva