plotRawData creates a set of diagnostic plots and summaries, writing pdfs and a text file in addition to plotting onscreen and console.

plotRawData(rawData, fname = NULL)



an unfiltered PacFIN dataset


A filename with the appropriate extension, used to save the function output to the disk. For example, LenComps.csv or file.path(getwd(), "SampleSize.csv"). Full, relative, or simple paths are allowed because the argument is used as is, i.e., not redirected to a directory different than getwd(). Note that various functions within pacfintools have different default values for this input argument. If NULL in writeComps, then the resulting file name will be based on what type of composition data is being generated, i.e., PacFIN_lengths.out, or PacFIN_ages.out for length or age data, respectively.



Run plotRawData to visualize and summarize the PacFIN data prior to running cleanPacFIN.

Will create a filename from the species ID if one is not provided.