Calaculate the von Bertalanffy growth parameters and compare them to
parameters estimated when outliers are removed from the data set.
Outliers are determined using standard deviations
(i.e., sdFactor
input parameter).
Par = list(K = 0.13, Linf = 55, L0 = 15, CV0 = 0.1, CV1 = 0.1),
len_col = "lengthcm",
age_col = "Age",
sex_col = "SEX",
mult = 1,
keepAll = TRUE,
sdFactor = 4,
Optim = TRUE,
precision = 1,
verbose = TRUE,
dir = NULL
A data frame returned from PullBDS.PacFIN()
biological samples. These data are stored in the Pacific Fishieries
Information Network (PacFIN) data warehouse, which originated in 2014 and
are pulled using sql calls.
A list of five initial or externally estimated parameter values for the
von Bertalanffy growth function. List entries should be named as follows:
"K", "Linf", "L0", "CV0", "CV1".
If they aren't named, then it is imperative that they are in the previous order.
Each list element, i.e., vector, can have multiple values specific to each sex type
present in your data. These vector elements must be named and the length of all
vectors must be the same. A typical example for a list element would be
K = c(F = 0.10, M = 0.20, U = 0.15)
for female, male, and unsexed fish.
If each vector within the list is only made up of a single element, it doesn't need
to be named and each sex type present in the data will use the same value.
Name of the length column to use for comparisons (default = "lengthcm").
Name of the age column to use for comparisons (default = "age").
Name of the sex column to use for comparisons (default = "SEX").
If the value is NULL
, then all aged fish are included in a single analysis rather
than separating data by available sex information.
A multiplier to convert lengths (default value 1). This multiplier is used
to scale the input parameters if the length column is a different unit other than cm.
In reality one really shouldn't need to use this because you can make a column of
lengths in the correct units and supply that column name to len_col
Option to change inconsistent lengths to a value of NA
which is only done if keepAll = FALSE
. The default is to not change any values.
Option to control the threshold of the estimated low and high bound that is compared to when throwing out data. Default value is 4 standard deviations away from the mean prediction.
A logical value specifying whether or not to internally solve
for the parameter estimates or use Par
as input parameter to the growth function
for predictions.
An integer providing the precision for the predicted lengths or the number
of digits the results will have after passing them through
round(x, digits = precision)
A logical specifying if output should be written to the
screen or not. Good for testing and exploring your data but can be turned
off when output indicates information that you already know. The printing
of output to the screen does not affect any of the returned objects. The
default is to always print to the screen, i.e., verbose = TRUE
A file path to a directory where you want information saved to
a file, or multiple files. If NULL
, which is the default, then
nothing is saved.
Returns a combined dataset in PacFIN format.