Create a table of samples by fleet and year to be included in an assessment document.
A data frame returned from PullBDS.PacFIN()
biological samples. These data are stored in the Pacific Fishieries
Information Network (PacFIN) data warehouse, which originated in 2014 and
are pulled using sql calls.
A filename with the appropriate extension, used to save the
function output to the disk. For example, LenComps.csv
file.path(getwd(), "LenComps.csv")
. Full, relative, or simple paths are
allowed because the argument is used as is, i.e., not redirected to a
directory different than getwd()
. Note that various functions within
pacfintools have different default values for this input argument. If
in writeComps
, then no csv file will be written to disk.
A vector of column names to stratify the output over. For
example, if you wish to summarize by ageing method, then the argument
would look like strat = "agemethod"
or, if you want to look at fleets
and gear, strat = c("fleet", "usegear")
Specify whether to calculate the length or Age samples. The default is to calculate the number of length samples.
A vector of years to remove from the data before
summarizing sample sizes. The default of NULL
leads to no
sub setting of the data.
A table is written to a csv file as specified in fname
and the data frame
is also returned as an object invisibly.