Get length for PacFIN commercial samples in millimeters. Lengths are converted for skates from type R and A to actual lengths. Other, more standard lengths, are filtered for types in keep.

getLength(Pdata, verbose = TRUE, keep)



A data frame returned from PullBDS.PacFIN() containing biological samples. These data are stored in the Pacific Fishieries Information Network (PacFIN) data warehouse, which originated in 2014 and are pulled using sql calls.


A logical specifying if output should be written to the screen or not. Good for testing and exploring your data but can be turned off when output indicates information that you already know. The printing of output to the screen does not affect any of the returned objects. The default is to always print to the screen, i.e., verbose = TRUE.


A vector of values that represent what you want to keep. Values of NA, "", and numeric values are acceptable. Often, it is helpful to run `unique(, useNA = "always") on the relevant data prior to running the function to see what types are present.


A vector of lengths in millimeters. Values of NA indicate that the length should not be used in down-stream calculations.