All functions |
Read, render, and use a figure from a specific directory |
Add a full stop to the end of a sentence |
A data frame of authors and their affiliations |
Perform checks on a .bib file |
Check to make sure index.Rmd contains all current YAML options |
Compile the stock assessment document(s) for a given species |
Change bookname in the _bookdown.yml file |
A non-vectorized version of compile |
Creates a temporary directory for compiling the latex file with latex commands for a csasdown type |
Internal Code to Build, Load, and Render the sa Template |
Initiate a sa4ss draft document, complete with directories and files |
Create tex file from executive summary tables |
Get Affiliations for Authors |
The following script will look for the CSV file plotInfoTable created by r4ss in order to automate some of the plots. The plotInfoTable file is added to the folder each time SS_plots is run (including when you update any of the plots) The most recent version of plotInfoTable with the complete list of plots will be used. |
Get Available |
Read, render, and use a child document |
Create an RData object specific for sa4ss |
Format a figure or table label for use in a report |
sa4ss: Generate stock assessment pdfs from Stock Synthesis |
Test your installation of sa4ss |
Custom table for sa4ss |
Technical report output formatting |
Compile Authors Names in YAML Form |
Write yaml header for bibliography to its own .Rmd file |
Write Summary Files |
Compile Title in YAML format |