Write a file to the disk with all authors and their affiliations using the yaml form for inclusion in the stock assessment.
write_authors(authors, fileout = "00authors.Rmd")
A vector of author names. For example,
"John R. Doe"
without first name first. The middle
initial or name is optional. Entries must exactly match
those used in the "data-raw\authors.csv"
If you need additional authors added to this file
please contact the package maintainers or add them to the
file and run the R script also found in that
folder prior to submitting a pull request. Following this
workflow ensures that the author's address is also added.
A file path for the file that will be saved to the disk. Typically, full or relative paths are allowed.
Other write:
# An example with a standard first name middle initial full stop and last
# name then a first initial full stop middle initial full stop and last
# name and last a first name and last name with no middle initial.
eg <- utils::capture.output(
c("Kelli F. Johnson", "E. J. Dick", "Qi Lee"),
fileout = ""
#> Warning: The following names were not found in 'data-raw\authors.csv'
#> and will have an address of 'NA' until the csv file is fixed,
#> but also check the spelling and punctuation of entries in authors:
#> Qi Lee
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
} # }