
Estimated parameters (excluding deviation parameters)
Any parameter with a gradient value with an absolute value above 0.001 or a parameter on bounds is colored in red.

Parameter Value Phase Min Max Init Status Parm_StDev Gradient Pr_type Prior Pr_SD Pr_Like Afterbound
NatM_uniform_Fem_GP_1 0.141813 2 0.005 0.5 0.142675 OK 0.0115071 -0.00052314 Log_Norm -1.7793 0.31 0.157421 OK
L_at_Amin_Fem_GP_1 8.846180 3 5.000 45.0 8.877130 OK 0.8982310 6.50172e-05 No_prior NA NA NA OK
L_at_Amax_Fem_GP_1 47.693100 3 35.000 80.0 47.441300 OK 0.7248280 0.000284748 No_prior NA NA NA OK
VonBert_K_Fem_GP_1 0.193447 3 0.040 0.5 0.197191 OK 0.0113256 0.00017972 No_prior NA NA NA OK
SD_young_Fem_GP_1 1.316840 3 0.500 15.0 1.268200 OK 0.4823790 1.03224e-05 No_prior NA NA NA OK
SD_old_Fem_GP_1 4.874280 4 0.500 15.0 4.876600 OK 0.2487970 9.75056e-05 No_prior NA NA NA OK
NatM_uniform_Mal_GP_1 0.154788 2 0.005 0.6 0.156902 OK 0.0133421 -0.000353031 Log_Norm -1.6809 0.31 0.177686 OK
L_at_Amax_Mal_GP_1 39.957400 3 35.000 80.0 39.931800 OK 0.5811270 0.000172947 No_prior NA NA NA OK
VonBert_K_Mal_GP_1 0.246279 3 0.040 0.5 0.245868 OK 0.0146989 9.21518e-05 No_prior NA NA NA OK
SD_young_Mal_GP_1 1.296160 3 0.500 15.0 1.343860 OK 0.5086050 7.37878e-06 No_prior NA NA NA OK
SD_old_Mal_GP_1 3.396590 4 0.500 15.0 3.412910 OK 0.1791490 5.82953e-05 No_prior NA NA NA OK
SR_LN(R0) 9.639330 1 5.000 20.0 9.647160 OK 0.1279550 0.00271749 No_prior NA NA NA OK
Q_extraSD_Triennial(3) 0.258466 5 0.001 2.0 0.259618 OK 0.0840429 -8.74702e-07 No_prior NA NA NA OK
Size_DblN_peak_North(1) 61.210800 2 15.000 75.0 61.478000 OK 1.6598400 3.32213e-05 No_prior NA NA NA OK
Size_DblN_ascend_se_North(1) 5.261000 3 -4.000 12.0 5.295170 OK 0.1487260 -0.000150715 No_prior NA NA NA OK
Retain_L_infl_North(1) 28.540100 2 10.000 40.0 28.551400 OK 0.5448450 -7.92251e-06 No_prior NA NA NA OK
Retain_L_width_North(1) 1.419260 4 0.100 10.0 1.406000 OK 0.3089350 -1.62884e-05 No_prior NA NA NA OK
Retain_L_asymptote_logit_North(1) 9.704900 4 -10.000 10.0 9.714810 OK 8.1928400 8.18883e-08 No_prior NA NA NA OK
SzSel_Male_Peak_North(1) -17.669400 4 -25.000 15.0 -17.976600 OK 1.0719600 -4.86215e-06 No_prior NA NA NA OK
SzSel_Male_Ascend_North(1) -1.707440 4 -15.000 15.0 -1.726020 OK 0.0953889 -4.67474e-05 No_prior NA NA NA OK
Size_DblN_peak_South(2) 54.277700 2 15.000 75.0 54.597700 OK 1.7776300 7.4186e-05 No_prior NA NA NA OK
Size_DblN_ascend_se_South(2) 5.966480 3 -4.000 12.0 6.028430 OK 0.2444770 -0.000253515 No_prior NA NA NA OK
Retain_L_infl_South(2) 28.227200 2 10.000 40.0 28.230700 OK 0.2976140 -4.25708e-05 No_prior NA NA NA OK
Retain_L_width_South(2) 1.168300 3 0.100 10.0 1.164520 OK 0.1289110 -9.59235e-06 No_prior NA NA NA OK
Retain_L_asymptote_logit_South(2) 6.660490 4 -10.000 10.0 6.627510 OK 1.1615700 -3.65314e-07 No_prior NA NA NA OK
SzSel_Male_Peak_South(2) -15.944800 4 -25.000 15.0 -16.383700 OK 1.2277100 2.30182e-05 No_prior NA NA NA OK
SzSel_Male_Ascend_South(2) -2.029090 4 -15.000 15.0 -2.073960 OK 0.2091510 -0.000107822 No_prior NA NA NA OK
Size_DblN_peak_Triennial(3) 35.839200 2 15.000 61.0 37.726100 OK 1.6296100 8.84097e-07 No_prior NA NA NA OK
Size_DblN_ascend_se_Triennial(3) 4.515200 2 -4.000 12.0 4.736600 OK 0.2399670 -2.32128e-07 No_prior NA NA NA OK
SzSel_Male_Peak_Triennial(3) -3.320730 3 -15.000 15.0 -4.466660 OK 1.5090600 -3.24852e-06 No_prior NA NA NA OK
SzSel_Male_Ascend_Triennial(3) -0.231766 3 -15.000 15.0 -0.368962 OK 0.2709430 -1.00942e-06 No_prior NA NA NA OK
Size_DblN_peak_WCGBTS(4) 50.484100 2 15.000 61.0 51.324500 OK 2.4125600 2.23685e-07 No_prior NA NA NA OK
Size_DblN_ascend_se_WCGBTS(4) 5.653680 2 -4.000 12.0 5.696540 OK 0.1582280 -2.58702e-06 No_prior NA NA NA OK
SzSel_Male_Peak_WCGBTS(4) -10.773000 3 -15.000 15.0 -11.555300 OK 1.7691100 9.72173e-07 No_prior NA NA NA OK
SzSel_Male_Ascend_WCGBTS(4) -0.844937 3 -15.000 15.0 -0.901813 OK 0.1625760 -2.0396e-06 No_prior NA NA NA OK
Size_DblN_peak_North(1)_BLK1repl_1973 61.508100 5 15.000 75.0 61.812600 OK 1.5341000 2.29542e-05 No_prior NA NA NA OK
Size_DblN_peak_North(1)_BLK1repl_1983 58.180400 5 15.000 75.0 58.425000 OK 1.6735000 1.24742e-05 No_prior NA NA NA OK
Size_DblN_peak_North(1)_BLK1repl_1993 57.047700 5 15.000 75.0 57.280900 OK 1.6360000 4.24386e-06 No_prior NA NA NA OK
Size_DblN_peak_North(1)_BLK1repl_2003 58.038100 5 15.000 75.0 58.323100 OK 1.5087600 4.1029e-06 No_prior NA NA NA OK
Size_DblN_peak_North(1)_BLK1repl_2011 58.267000 5 15.000 75.0 58.573000 OK 1.5072900 2.02088e-06 No_prior NA NA NA OK
Size_DblN_peak_North(1)_BLK1repl_2018 58.442900 5 15.000 75.0 58.767600 OK 1.6480000 1.50979e-06 No_prior NA NA NA OK
Size_DblN_ascend_se_North(1)_BLK1repl_1973 5.511390 6 -4.000 12.0 5.520790 OK 0.1009700 -0.000116954 No_prior NA NA NA OK
Size_DblN_ascend_se_North(1)_BLK1repl_1983 5.395900 6 -4.000 12.0 5.420320 OK 0.1199280 -5.43794e-05 No_prior NA NA NA OK
Size_DblN_ascend_se_North(1)_BLK1repl_1993 5.584170 6 -4.000 12.0 5.607740 OK 0.1216250 -1.33676e-05 No_prior NA NA NA OK
Size_DblN_ascend_se_North(1)_BLK1repl_2003 5.484540 6 -4.000 12.0 5.495840 OK 0.0860467 -9.23781e-06 No_prior NA NA NA OK
Size_DblN_ascend_se_North(1)_BLK1repl_2011 5.415580 6 -4.000 12.0 5.428210 OK 0.1080790 -3.4663e-06 No_prior NA NA NA OK
Size_DblN_ascend_se_North(1)_BLK1repl_2018 5.286380 6 -4.000 12.0 5.300870 OK 0.1189330 -2.92743e-06 No_prior NA NA NA OK
Retain_L_infl_North(1)_BLK2repl_2002 31.249900 5 10.000 40.0 31.275600 OK 0.4606080 -4.44104e-07 No_prior NA NA NA OK
Retain_L_infl_North(1)_BLK2repl_2003 30.025600 5 10.000 40.0 30.036400 OK 0.3033350 -2.84748e-07 No_prior NA NA NA OK
Retain_L_infl_North(1)_BLK2repl_2009 31.659500 5 10.000 40.0 31.666200 OK 0.3933260 3.21427e-07 No_prior NA NA NA OK
Retain_L_infl_North(1)_BLK2repl_2011 27.193900 5 10.000 40.0 27.172100 OK 0.6115920 3.91501e-07 No_prior NA NA NA OK
Retain_L_width_North(1)_BLK2repl_2002 0.878764 5 0.100 10.0 0.887097 OK 0.3155880 3.46069e-06 No_prior NA NA NA OK
Retain_L_width_North(1)_BLK2repl_2003 1.341000 5 0.100 10.0 1.339680 OK 0.1485440 2.03176e-07 No_prior NA NA NA OK
Retain_L_width_North(1)_BLK2repl_2009 1.720330 5 0.100 10.0 1.720130 OK 0.2628860 -3.19116e-06 No_prior NA NA NA OK
Retain_L_width_North(1)_BLK2repl_2011 1.670940 5 0.100 10.0 1.669930 OK 0.0824244 5.23348e-07 No_prior NA NA NA OK
Retain_L_asymptote_logit_North(1)_BLK2repl_2002 9.766060 5 -10.000 10.0 9.764060 OK 6.6671700 -8.83911e-09 No_prior NA NA NA OK
Retain_L_asymptote_logit_North(1)_BLK2repl_2003 6.198420 5 -10.000 10.0 6.187350 OK 0.8802380 6.93324e-07 No_prior NA NA NA OK
Retain_L_asymptote_logit_North(1)_BLK2repl_2009 3.656790 5 -10.000 10.0 3.641490 OK 0.4716420 -1.78504e-06 No_prior NA NA NA OK
Retain_L_asymptote_logit_North(1)_BLK2repl_2011 7.444030 5 -10.000 10.0 7.440970 OK 0.4596050 -3.59058e-07 No_prior NA NA NA OK
Size_DblN_peak_South(2)_BLK1repl_1973 50.736700 5 15.000 75.0 51.168200 OK 1.7557600 3.82788e-05 No_prior NA NA NA OK
Size_DblN_peak_South(2)_BLK1repl_1983 48.950700 5 15.000 75.0 49.294900 OK 1.6447200 1.6582e-05 No_prior NA NA NA OK
Size_DblN_peak_South(2)_BLK1repl_1993 49.924500 5 15.000 75.0 50.323700 OK 1.9543600 1.56183e-06 No_prior NA NA NA OK
Size_DblN_peak_South(2)_BLK1repl_2003 50.875800 5 15.000 75.0 51.295900 OK 1.3739400 9.84033e-07 No_prior NA NA NA OK
Size_DblN_peak_South(2)_BLK1repl_2011 50.543200 5 15.000 75.0 50.980100 OK 1.3631800 -3.12057e-07 No_prior NA NA NA OK
Size_DblN_peak_South(2)_BLK1repl_2018 51.338500 5 15.000 75.0 51.791800 OK 1.4315700 -6.01636e-08 No_prior NA NA NA OK
Size_DblN_ascend_se_South(2)_BLK1repl_1973 6.254120 6 -4.000 12.0 6.276170 OK 0.2639370 -9.55461e-05 No_prior NA NA NA OK
Size_DblN_ascend_se_South(2)_BLK1repl_1983 5.264730 6 -4.000 12.0 5.291080 OK 0.2023890 -3.00764e-05 No_prior NA NA NA OK
Size_DblN_ascend_se_South(2)_BLK1repl_1993 4.936900 6 -4.000 12.0 4.984970 OK 0.3026980 -5.75158e-06 No_prior NA NA NA OK
Size_DblN_ascend_se_South(2)_BLK1repl_2003 4.984330 6 -4.000 12.0 5.015880 OK 0.1328760 -2.24683e-06 No_prior NA NA NA OK
Size_DblN_ascend_se_South(2)_BLK1repl_2011 4.967230 6 -4.000 12.0 5.003640 OK 0.1682950 -8.92785e-07 No_prior NA NA NA OK
Size_DblN_ascend_se_South(2)_BLK1repl_2018 4.915930 6 -4.000 12.0 4.955190 OK 0.1717620 -7.69233e-07 No_prior NA NA NA OK
Retain_L_infl_South(2)_BLK3repl_2010 30.845300 5 10.000 40.0 30.850900 OK 1.2628700 9.14395e-07 No_prior NA NA NA OK
Retain_L_infl_South(2)_BLK3repl_2011 25.041200 5 10.000 40.0 25.131200 OK 1.3452000 1.64687e-07 No_prior NA NA NA OK
Retain_L_width_South(2)_BLK3repl_2010 1.846690 5 0.100 10.0 1.844470 OK 0.6942290 3.05996e-07 No_prior NA NA NA OK
Retain_L_width_South(2)_BLK3repl_2011 1.615730 5 0.100 10.0 1.608820 OK 0.1653120 -2.02524e-07 No_prior NA NA NA OK
Retain_L_asymptote_logit_South(2)_BLK3repl_2010 9.382330 5 -10.000 10.0 9.384800 OK 15.4358000 5.9926e-09 No_prior NA NA NA OK
Retain_L_asymptote_logit_South(2)_BLK3repl_2011 8.191310 5 -10.000 10.0 8.140090 OK 1.0069800 -1.24317e-06 No_prior NA NA NA OK

Highly correlated parameter pairs
Pairs of parameters with the 50 highest correlations, sorted by absolute value of the correlation. Correlations above 0.95 (in absolute value) are colored in red. These parameters may be confounded or may cause convergence issues.
file: correlationcheck.html

label.i label.j corr
NatM_uniform_Mal_GP_1 NatM_uniform_Fem_GP_1 0.961877
Size_DblN_peak_North(1)_BLK1repl_2011 Size_DblN_peak_North(1)_BLK1repl_2003 0.958099
Size_DblN_peak_North(1)_BLK1repl_2018 Size_DblN_peak_North(1)_BLK1repl_2011 0.952297
Size_DblN_peak_North(1)_BLK1repl_2018 Size_DblN_peak_North(1)_BLK1repl_2003 0.941282
Size_DblN_ascend_se_Triennial(3) Size_DblN_peak_Triennial(3) 0.941252
Size_DblN_ascend_se_WCGBTS(4) Size_DblN_peak_WCGBTS(4) 0.934592
Size_DblN_peak_North(1)_BLK1repl_2011 Size_DblN_peak_North(1)_BLK1repl_1973 0.931864
SzSel_Male_Ascend_Triennial(3) SzSel_Male_Peak_Triennial(3) 0.931557
Size_DblN_peak_North(1)_BLK1repl_2003 Size_DblN_peak_North(1)_BLK1repl_1973 0.92556
Size_DblN_peak_North(1)_BLK1repl_2018 Size_DblN_peak_North(1)_BLK1repl_1973 0.916613
Size_DblN_peak_North(1)_BLK1repl_2011 Size_DblN_peak_North(1)_BLK1repl_1993 0.907619
Size_DblN_peak_North(1)_BLK1repl_2011 SzSel_Male_Peak_North(1) -0.905357
Size_DblN_peak_North(1)_BLK1repl_2003 Size_DblN_peak_North(1)_BLK1repl_1993 0.904239
Size_DblN_peak_North(1)_BLK1repl_2011 Size_DblN_peak_North(1)_BLK1repl_1983 0.904181
Size_DblN_ascend_se_North(1)_BLK1repl_2018 Size_DblN_ascend_se_North(1)_BLK1repl_2011 0.901835
Size_DblN_peak_North(1)_BLK1repl_2003 Size_DblN_peak_North(1)_BLK1repl_1983 0.898844
Size_DblN_peak_South(2)_BLK1repl_2011 Size_DblN_peak_South(2)_BLK1repl_2003 0.89778
Size_DblN_peak_North(1)_BLK1repl_2003 SzSel_Male_Peak_North(1) -0.897243
Size_DblN_ascend_se_North(1)_BLK1repl_2018 Size_DblN_peak_North(1)_BLK1repl_2018 0.892052
Size_DblN_peak_North(1)_BLK1repl_2018 Size_DblN_peak_North(1)_BLK1repl_1993 0.891382
Size_DblN_peak_South(2)_BLK1repl_2018 Size_DblN_peak_South(2)_BLK1repl_2011 0.890586
Size_DblN_peak_South(2)_BLK1repl_2018 Size_DblN_peak_South(2)_BLK1repl_2003 0.889909
Size_DblN_peak_North(1)_BLK1repl_2018 Size_DblN_peak_North(1)_BLK1repl_1983 0.888635
Size_DblN_ascend_se_North(1)_BLK1repl_2011 Size_DblN_peak_North(1)_BLK1repl_2011 0.885367
Size_DblN_ascend_se_North(1)_BLK1repl_2003 Size_DblN_peak_North(1)_BLK1repl_2003 0.884374
Size_DblN_peak_South(2)_BLK1repl_2011 SzSel_Male_Peak_South(2) -0.883529
Size_DblN_peak_North(1)_BLK1repl_2018 SzSel_Male_Peak_North(1) -0.881469
Size_DblN_peak_North(1)_BLK1repl_2011 Size_DblN_peak_North(1) 0.881389
Size_DblN_ascend_se_South(2)_BLK1repl_2003 Size_DblN_peak_South(2)_BLK1repl_2003 0.88128
Size_DblN_peak_North(1)_BLK1repl_1993 Size_DblN_peak_North(1)_BLK1repl_1973 0.879824
Size_DblN_peak_North(1)_BLK1repl_1983 Size_DblN_peak_North(1)_BLK1repl_1973 0.87833
Size_DblN_peak_North(1)_BLK1repl_2003 Size_DblN_peak_North(1) 0.875746
Size_DblN_ascend_se_South(2)_BLK1repl_2018 Size_DblN_peak_South(2)_BLK1repl_2018 0.874731
Size_DblN_peak_South(2)_BLK1repl_2003 SzSel_Male_Peak_South(2) -0.869008
Size_DblN_peak_North(1)_BLK1repl_1993 Size_DblN_peak_North(1)_BLK1repl_1983 0.868556
SzSel_Male_Ascend_WCGBTS(4) SzSel_Male_Peak_WCGBTS(4) 0.867535
Size_DblN_ascend_se_South(2)_BLK1repl_2011 Size_DblN_peak_South(2)_BLK1repl_2011 0.866732
Size_DblN_peak_North(1)_BLK1repl_2018 Size_DblN_peak_North(1) 0.86626
Size_DblN_ascend_se_North(1)_BLK1repl_2003 SzSel_Male_Peak_North(1) -0.863599
Size_DblN_peak_North(1)_BLK1repl_1973 SzSel_Male_Peak_North(1) -0.861741
Size_DblN_peak_North(1)_BLK1repl_1973 Size_DblN_peak_North(1) 0.857739
Size_DblN_ascend_se_North(1)_BLK1repl_2011 SzSel_Male_Peak_North(1) -0.856909
Size_DblN_ascend_se_North(1)_BLK1repl_2018 Size_DblN_peak_North(1)_BLK1repl_2011 0.856695
Size_DblN_peak_North(1)_BLK1repl_1993 SzSel_Male_Peak_North(1) -0.852858
SzSel_Male_Peak_WCGBTS(4) Size_DblN_ascend_se_WCGBTS(4) -0.848682
Size_DblN_ascend_se_North(1)_BLK1repl_2011 Size_DblN_peak_North(1)_BLK1repl_2003 0.846939
Size_DblN_peak_South(2)_BLK1repl_2018 SzSel_Male_Peak_South(2) -0.845785
Size_DblN_ascend_se_North(1)_BLK1repl_2018 SzSel_Male_Peak_North(1) -0.844047
Size_DblN_ascend_se_North(1)_BLK1repl_2011 Size_DblN_peak_North(1)_BLK1repl_2018 0.841752
Size_DblN_ascend_se_North(1)_BLK1repl_2018 Size_DblN_peak_North(1)_BLK1repl_2003 0.839261

Parameters with low correlations
Estimated parameters that are the least correlated with all other parameters. The correlation value represents the maximum correlation between the parameter in question and all other estimated parameters. Uncorrelated parameters may not be playing a significant role in the model. Maximum correlations below 0.01 are colored in red.
file: lowcorrelationcheck.html

Parameter max_correlation
Late_RecrDev_2022 0
Early_InitAge_31 1.00028e-06
Early_InitAge_30 1.16197e-06
Early_InitAge_29 1.34882e-06
Early_InitAge_28 1.56548e-06
Early_InitAge_27 1.81918e-06
Early_InitAge_26 2.10971e-06
Early_InitAge_25 2.44898e-06
Early_InitAge_24 2.8414e-06
Early_InitAge_23 3.29595e-06
Early_InitAge_22 3.82048e-06
Early_InitAge_21 4.42744e-06
Early_InitAge_20 5.12919e-06
Early_InitAge_19 5.93805e-06
Early_InitAge_18 6.87249e-06
Early_InitAge_17 7.94384e-06
Early_InitAge_16 9.17736e-06
Early_InitAge_15 1.05898e-05
Early_InitAge_14 1.22036e-05
Early_InitAge_13 1.40437e-05
Early_InitAge_12 1.61337e-05
Early_InitAge_11 1.84962e-05
Early_InitAge_10 2.11567e-05
Early_InitAge_9 2.41371e-05
Early_InitAge_8 2.74591e-05
Early_InitAge_7 3.11367e-05
Early_InitAge_6 3.51976e-05
Early_InitAge_5 3.96927e-05
Early_InitAge_4 4.47197e-05
Early_InitAge_3 5.037e-05
Early_InitAge_2 5.67242e-05
Early_InitAge_1 6.38713e-05
Early_RecrDev_1876 7.19249e-05
Early_RecrDev_1877 8.0961e-05
Early_RecrDev_1878 9.11154e-05
Early_RecrDev_1879 0.00010253
Early_RecrDev_1880 0.000115358
Early_RecrDev_1881 0.000129769
Early_RecrDev_1882 0.000145954
Early_RecrDev_1883 0.00016413
Early_RecrDev_1884 0.000184537
Early_RecrDev_1885 0.000207445
Early_RecrDev_1886 0.000233151
Early_RecrDev_1887 0.000261995
Early_RecrDev_1888 0.00029435
Early_RecrDev_1889 0.000330641
Early_RecrDev_1890 0.00037133
Early_RecrDev_1891 0.000416954
Early_RecrDev_1892 0.000468091
Early_RecrDev_1893 0.000525396