plot_qq() returns and/or saves a ggplot2::ggplot() version of stats::qqnorm() for an sdmTMB::sdmTMB() object. A set of points will exist for each model component, where delta models have presence/absence and rate components, to facilitate assessing the total model fit. A legend is placed on the figure if there is more than one model component.

plot_qq(fit, file_name = "qq.png")



A fitted model returned from sdmTMB::sdmTMB().


A file name that will be saved in your current working directory unless a full path or a path relative to your working directory is given. The default is to save it in the current working directory as qq.png. No file will be created if file_name = NULL.


A ggplot2::ggplot() object is invisibly returned and a file is saved to the disk if a name is passed to file_name.


Chantel R. Wetzel