Plot with circles proportional to how many double readings fell in each pair of coordinates
scale.pts = 2,
col.pts = grDevices::grey(0.1, alpha = 0.5),
col.hist = grDevices::rgb(0, 0, 0.5, alpha = 0.7),
counts = TRUE,
maxage = NULL,
hist = TRUE,
hist.frac = 0.1,
xlab = "Age reader A",
ylab = "Age reader B",
title = NULL,
png = FALSE,
filename = "ageing_comparison.png",
SaveFile = NULL,
verbose = TRUE
- xvec
vector of values from reader A
- yvec
vector of values from reader B
- scale.pts
Documentation needed.
- col.pts
color for points
- col.hist
color for histograms
- counts
include text within each bubble showing count of values?
- maxage
maximum age to include in the plot (doesn't yet work well)
- hist
include a histogram along each axis?
- hist.frac
maximum value of histograms as fraction of maxage
- xlab
label for xvec
- ylab
label for yvec
- title
Optional title to add at top of plot
- png
Save plot to PNG file?
- filename
File name for PNG file.
- SaveFile
directory where plot will be saved. NULL value will make it go to working directory.
- verbose
Report messages as function runs.