Filter data pulls
Function to create messages on data that are outside the standard survey protocol
and to remove these samples if standard_filtering
= TRUE. The data are checked
for tow performance, valid stations, and depth range. This function is called
within the pull functions, but can be called on pulled data frames if filtering
was not selected in the original data pull.
- data
Data frame of pulled data created by the
, or pull_biological_samples.- data_type
Character string to include within data filtering messages to indicate the type of data being filtered such as "biological samples". Default is "samples".
- standard_filtering
A logical TRUE/FALSE that specifies whether data should be filtered using the standard filtering which removes tows with bad performance (water haul or poor net performance), or stations that have been removed from the survey sampling protocol.
- verbose
A logical that specifies if you want to print messages and warnings to the console. The default is