Calculates design based estimates from survey data for West Coast surveys.
Calculates design based estimates from survey data for West Coast surveys.
dir = NULL,
strat.vars = c("Depth_m", "Latitude_dd"),
printfolder = "forSS3",
outputMedian = TRUE,
month = "Enter month",
fleet = "Enter fleet",
verbose = TRUE
- dir
Directory where output will be saved. The directory where the file should be saved. If dir = NULL no output will be saved.
- dat
Data frame of catch data that has been created by the
.- strat.vars
Variables in both data frame that are used to define the stratas. Default is bottom depth (m) and latitudes (decimal degrees), i.e.,
c("Depth_m", "Latitude_dd")
.- strat.df
A data frame that defines the strata and provides the calculated areas for each strata returned from
.- printfolder
A string that will be appended to
, creating a folder where the output will be saved. If specified as""
, the output will just be saved directly indir
. The default is"forSS3"
.- outputMedian
Logical input to specify whether to output median or the mean biomass estimate. Default
.- month
A single integer value between 1-12. A user input fleet number to assign to the month column based on the expected format for Stock Synthesis. See the Stock Synthesis manual for more information. Default "Enter Month".
- fleet
A single integer value. A user input fleet number to assign to the fleet column based on the expected format for Stock Synthesis. Default "Enter Fleet".
- verbose
A logical that specifies if you want to print messages and warnings to the console. The default is
List of biomass estimates by year, biomass estimates by year and strata, and numbers of fish by year.
The design based index is calculated based on the area of the strata and
the mean catch by strata. This function returns a list of design-based
estimates by strata and estimates combined across stratas by year. This
function is designed to work with data frames pulled from the NWFSC
data warehouse using pull_catch()
See: Gunderson, D.R. and Sample, T.M. 1980. Distribution and abundance of rockfish off Washington,
Oregon, and California during 1977. Marine Fisheries Review: March - April.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
catch <- pull_catch(
common_name = "petrale sole",
survey = "NWFSC.Combo"
strata <- CreateStrataDF.fn(
names = c("shallow_wa", "shallow_or", "shallow_ca", "deep_wa", "deep_or", "deep_ca"),
depths.shallow = c(55, 55, 55, 183, 183, 183),
depths.deep = c(183, 183, 183, 549, 549, 549),
lats.south = c(46.0, 42.0, 32.0, 46.0, 42.0, 32.0),
lats.north = c(49.0, 46.0, 42.0, 49.0, 46.0, 42.0)
biommass <- Biomass.fn(
dat = catch,
strat.df = strata
} # }