of interestgetUserName.Rd
Get your username for the database
of interest
getUserName(database = c("PacFIN"), datasourcename = lifecycle::deprecated())
A string providing the name of the database that you wish to
connect to. This string must match the name that is used to configure the
database on your computer exactly. The default is "PacFIN"
which will
lead to pulling data from the Pacific Fisheries Information Network.
Deprecated as of version 0.2.9, use database
A string that can be used for username
argument needed in Pull*()
Use a system of rules to determine your username given the database of
interest. As of 2023, only support for PacFIN
is included but future
versions of the codebase should support more databases such as NORPAC
to facilitate pulling information regarding the Pacific Hake or whiting
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
} # }